Universitätsbibliothek Hagen


Ihre Suche: "Computer"
Anzahl der gefundenen Treffer: 695
Abrioux, DominiqueComputer-Assisted Language Learning and Distance Education1989
Abrioux, DominiqueComputer-Assisted Language Learning at a Distance1991
Adelsköld, GöranProblem-based distance learning of energy issues via computer network1999
Aichele-Mey, MonikaMädchen und Computer 1989
Alexander, G.The thought box: A computer-based communication system to support distance learning1989
Allinger, UlrichComputerunterstützte Prüfungen im QUADRIGA-Funkkolleg1971
Altfeld, JürgenPersonal Computer - das Ende des klassischen Fernunterrichts? 1984
Anderson, TerryInternational Computer Communications to Support Distance Education Information Dissemination and Networking1992
Anderson, TerryInternational Computer Conferencing for professional development:1993
Andrews, JamesComputer-assisted distance education: off-line and on-line American experiences1985
Angela CastroCritical reflections on the introduction of computer-mediated communication into a distance-teaching institution1988
Armbruster, BrigitteAnmerkungen zum Computerausdruck des "Personen-Informationsnetzes"
Askarian Abyaneh, H.Applied computer engineering courses at PNU1996
Atkinson, RogerPersonal Computers for Distance Education: The Study of An Educational Innovation1993
Bacon, GrahamComputer-Assisted Management of a Flexistudy Scheme1984
Bacsich, PaulComputer conferencing and electronic publishing: Cooperation or competition1989
Baerenreiter, HaraldForschungsprojekt: Jugendliche Computer-Fans1988
Baerenreiter, HaraldJugend und Computer1988
Baker, Michael J.Proposed research directions for intelligent computer aided instruction in musical perfomance skills1986
Baldwin, George D.Designing Computer-Mediated-Communication Into the Classroom: The Virtual Social Science Laboratory Project1995

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Letzte Änderung: 23.02.2022