Universitätsbibliothek Hagen


Ihre Suche: "Computer"
Anzahl der gefundenen Treffer: 695
Berger, RolfHerausforderung und Chance: Die Informationsgesellschaft1988
Bierschenk, B.A system for a computer-based content analysis of interview data: Anaconda1977
Billing, HeinzDie Göttinger Rechenmaschinen G1, G2 und G3: Aus den Kindertagen der Computer1982
Biraimah, KarenThe non-neutrality of educational computer software1993
Birchall, David W.Interaction versus independence: the dilemmas in designing a computer mediated communication support system1989
Bissell, Stan A.Distance Teaching Techniques Using Electronic Conferencing1988
Blinn, Charles R.Microcomputer Training in Minnesota1988
Blinn, Charles R.Developing Telecommunication Linkages for Microcomputer-Aided Instruction1989
Blissett, GillianAre they thinking? Are they learning? A study of the use of interactive video1993
Bock, JanNutzung von Computern in Studienberatungsstellen1991
Bornman, C. H.The Effect of Advances in Information Technology on the Teaching of Practical Aspects of Computer Science at UNISA1987
Borovski, B.The Study of Computer Technology in Higher Education Institutions1985
Boucher, Terry A.The effects of computer-based marking on completion rates and student achievement for students taking a secondary-level distance education course1986
Boyd, Gary M.Three Ways of Computer-assisted Learning at a Distance and their probable Impacts on various Classes of Clients1982
Boyd, Gary M.Three Ways of Providing Computer-Assisted Learning at a Distance and their Probable Impacts on Various Classes of Clients1982
Brand, PeterComputer wertet Schlußtest für `Fachrechnen` aus - Schulversuch an der Landesfernschule für das Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe in Bad Überkingen1971
Breuer, Klaus Realisationsformen der Lernersteuerung im Computerunterstützten Unterricht (CUU) - Das Modell TICCIT und das Aachener Modell1977
Broderson, DonThe Electric University1989
Broll, Klaus-PeterEDV-Aspekte der optischen Belegverarbeitung im CMA-Projekt1979
Brönstrup, HaraldDer Korrekturdienst im System CAVA1979

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Letzte Änderung: 23.02.2022