Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr |
Niederer, R. | Informatik und Computernutzung im schweizerischen Bildungswesen | 1990 |
Nipper, S. | Third generation distance learning and computer conferencing | 1989 |
Nipper, Sören | 3rd Generation Distance Education and Computer Conferencing in Denmark | 1987 |
Northcott, Paul | A Deakin Project on Computer-based Communications | 1986 |
Novikov, V.A. | Teaching-Efficiency of Computer-Assisted Training Systems | 1985 |
Nwana, Hyacinth S. | An approach to developing intelligent tutors in mathematics | 1993 |
o.V. | Moderne Mikrorechner für die Hochschulen | 1988 |
o.V. | Das CAMCE (Computer-Aided Multimedia Courseware Engineering)-Projekt | 1989 |
o.V. | Learning and instruction with computers | 1996 |
o.V. | Frauen und Computer lernen | 1997 |
o.V. | Evaluation of web-based computer conferencing systems | 1999 |
Olivier, Ilze | Computer-aided Instruction in Quantitative Management | 1987 |
Olsen, Bengt | Fernunterricht der 3. Generation | 1992 |
Ommerborn, Rainer | Using computers in distance study | 2001 |
Ortner, Gerhard E. | Elektronische Universität: Neuere Entwicklungen im Bereich des CUU/CBT (Computerunterstützter Unterricht/Computerbased Training) und Nutzung neuerer Software-Systeme | 1990 |
Owen, Trevor | Computer Mediated Writing and the Writer in Electronic Residence | 1990 |
O`Hagan, Chris | Video autoEditing System for Open Learning (VESOL) | 1995 |
O`Shea, Tim | Computer-assisted learning in distance education | 1984 |
Paechter, M. | Auditive Unterstützung in Computer-Lernprogrammen - eine kognitionspsychologische Perspektive - | 1992 |
Parkes, Alan P. | Theoretical Aspects of Representation in Hypermedia Learning Environments | 1995 |