Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr |
| Technology/Mathematics. The digital computer. An inter-faculty second level course | 1983 |
| Technology/Mathematics. The digital computer. An inter-faculty second level course | 1983 |
| Technology/Mathematics. The digital computer. An inter-faculty second level course | 1983 |
| Technology/Mathematics. The digital computer. An inter-faculty second level course | 1983 |
| Technology/Mathematics. The digital computer. An inter-faculty second level course | 1983 |
| Technology/Mathematics. The digital computer. An inter-faculty second level course | 1983 |
| Technology/Mathematics. The digital computer. An inter-faculty second level course | 1983 |
| Technology/Mathematics. The digital computer. An inter-faculty second level course | 1983 |
Fischer, Peter Michael | Entwicklung und Erprobung eines computergestützten Video-Instruktionssystems für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht | 1983 |
Fischer | CAVIS - Entwicklung eines computergestützten Lehr-/Lernsystems zur Vermittlung naturwissenschaftlicher Lehrinhalte mit AV-Materialien | 1983 |
Fritsch, Helmut | Studieneingangsberatung mit dem Computer | 1983 |
Gerver, Elisabeth | Computers and adult learning | 1984 |
| Studium am Heimcomputer | 1984 |
Gruber, Josef | Dezentrale und praxisnahe Aus- und Weiterbildung in Statistik und Ökonometrie am Computer | 1984 |
Harry, Keith | The International Centre for Distance Learning`s New Computerised Database | 1984 |
Bacon, Graham | Computer-Assisted Management of a Flexistudy Scheme | 1984 |
O`Shea, Tim | Computer-assisted learning in distance education | 1984 |
Holmberg, Börje | EHSC-Konferenz über Microcomputer im Fernstudium. 14.-16. Mai in Helsinki | 1984 |
Hunter, R. | Computer Managed Learning in Distance Education | 1984 |
Altfeld, Jürgen | Personal Computer - das Ende des klassischen Fernunterrichts? | 1984 |