Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr |
| Distance Education In Ontario | 1993 |
Dobson, M. | Towards a consolidated model for a collaborative courseware authoring system | 1993 |
Atkinson, Roger | Personal Computers for Distance Education: The Study of An Educational Innovation | 1993 |
Thomas, N. | The electronic village | 1993 |
Wetterling, Joachim | The use of computer-based simulation packages in open and flexible learning | 1993 |
Tolsma, Robert | Technology for Collaboration: Matching User Preferences and Computer Conferencing Software Options | 1993 |
Downes, T. | Student-teachers` experiences in using computers during teaching practice | 1993 |
Duchâteau, C. | CAL: Computer ensured learning? Computer-assisted lecturer (teacher)? Computer-assisted learner? | 1993 |
Tuckey, Catherine | Computer Conference and the Electronic White Board in the United Kingdom: | 1993 |
Barnes, Alan | Quality and Computers in Teaching and Learning | 1993 |
| Studienbroschüre Computerlinguistik | 1993 |
Villiers, Carina de | The use of multimedia to teach computer science at a distance teaching university | 1993 |
Kirkman, C. | Computer experience and attitudes of 12-year-old students | 1993 |
Bates, Anthony W. | Applications of New Technologies (including Computers) in Distance Education | 1993 |
Van den Brande, L[ieve] | R&D on learning telematics in the European Community | 1993 |
Veen, Wim | How teachers use computers in instructional practice | 1993 |
Baumgartner, Peter | "Institut für Lernen mit interaktiven Medien" | 1993 |
Becker, Henry Jay | Decision making about computer acquisition and use in american schools | 1993 |
Beishuisen, J. J. | Technology-enriched schools | 1993 |
Pelgrum, Willem J. | The worldwide use of computers | 1993 |