Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr |
Steffen, Gabriele | "Ausländerkinder in der Schule" - Fernstudienmaterialien für die Lehrerfortbildung | 1981 |
Dohmen, Günther | "Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne…" | 1982 |
| 10 Jahre DIFF in Tübingen | 1977 |
| 10 [Zehn] Jahre DIFF | 1978 |
| 15 [Fünfzehn] Jahre Fern- und Abendstudium | 1965 |
Harald Gutschow | 16. Studienbrief | 1970 |
| 25 Jahre DIFF 1992 | 1992 |
Stöber, Adolf Maria | 4. BRIEF-Symposion | 1984 |
Morse, William C. | A Comparison of the Eye-Movements of Average Fifth and Seventh-Grade Pupils Reading Material of Corresponding Difficulty | |
Rebel, Karlheinz | A cooperative Model for Distance Studies | 1982 |
McIntosh, Naomi | A Degree of Difference | 1975 |
Allen, Miles | A Different Approach to Training | 1993 |
Smith, W. A. Sam | A Review of Distance Education in Ontario Universities | 1983 |
Mandl, Heinz | A Rule-Based Diagnosis System for Identifying Misconceptions in Qualitative Reasoning in the Physical Domain "Superposition of Motion" | 1991 |
Culbertson, Hugh M. | A Study of Graph Comprehension Difficulties | |
Beijer, E. | A Study of Students` Preferences with Regard to Different Models for Two-Way Communication | 1972 |
| Abschlußbericht | 1974 |
| Abschlußbericht der Aufbau- und Erprobungsphase (SS 93 - WS 95/96) | 1996 |
| Abschlußbericht zum Fernsehkolleg "Lehrerprobleme - Schülerprobleme" | 1983 |
Herbst, Isabell | Abschlußbericht zum Forschungsprojekt "Mütter lernen anders!" | 1994 |