Universitätsbibliothek Hagen


Ihre Suche: "distance learning"
Anzahl der gefundenen Treffer: 1329
Moore, MichaelAdult Learning at a Distance1985
Hakemulder, Jan R.Adult Learning in the Context of Development1987
Burge, Elizabeth J[une]Adult learning principles and distance learning design1984
Giles, LenAdult Learning: Psychological Research and Applications, editd by Michael J.A. Howe, Wiley, 19771979
Vermunt, Jan D. H. M.Adult Student Learning in Higher Distance Education1987
García Aretio, LorenzoAdvantages and Drawbacks to a Macroinstitution: Spain`s UNED1995
Marchand, LouiseAffectice Education at a Distance1982
Marchand, LouiseAffective Education at a Distance: An Extensive Experiment1982
Moon, BobAhead with Open Learning for Teacher Education1995
Danaher, Patrick A.Alan Tait: Key Issues in Open Learning - A Reader1996
Moore, Michael G[rahame]American Distance Education1995
Roweton, William E.America`s Rural Colleges and Distance Education1988
Begland, R. R.An Analytic Model and Instructional Paradigm for Training "Soft Skills"1981
Brown, S.An appraisal of quality - distance learning in BT1995
Marland, PercAn approach to research on distance learning1989
Arger, GeoffAn Approach to the Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in Japanese Distance Education1993
Hiemstra, AliAn Audio Practical for a Distance Course on Expert Systems1996
Dixon, T.J.An evaluation of microcomputer-based learning in distance education1989
Harris, N. D. C.An Evaluation Resource Pack1981
Fox, RobertAn examination of online learning environments in distance education1999

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Letzte Änderung: 23.02.2022