Universitätsbibliothek Hagen


Ihre Suche: "Computer"
Anzahl der gefundenen Treffer: 695
Thombs, MichaelBusy Professionals Go to Class the Modem Way1989
Bååth, John A.CADE - a system for computer-assisted distance education1977
Henninger, MichaelCaiMan: Computer aided interactive-multimedial Manager Training1992
Duchâteau, C.CAL: Computer ensured learning? Computer-assisted lecturer (teacher)? Computer-assisted learner?1993
CALCO Computer Use Survey1990
Calendar 1988 Part 21988
CALICO JournalCALICO Computer Use Survey1989
Goodfellow, RobinCALL and Lexical Recall1992
Khan, HassanCampus-Wide Collaboration in the Delivery of Distributed Learning Technology1995
FischerCAVIS - Entwicklung eines computergestützten Lehr-/Lernsystems zur Vermittlung naturwissenschaftlicher Lehrinhalte mit AV-Materialien1983
CBT Computer Based Training1994
Kappel, Hans-HenningCBT Lernen mit Computern1996
Centre for Modern Languages
CHL - computergestützte Hochschullehre2001
Lockwood, FredCicero: Computer-assisted learning within an Open University course1980
Walsh, ChristopherCIT for IT in DE1993
Watson, Deryn M.Classroom processes and geography simulations1993
Schnepf, JamesClosing the Gap in Distance Learning1994
Zorkoczy, P.CMC in distance education and training: The broader context1989
McInerney, ClaireCMC in Distance Education at the College of St. Catherine1995

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Letzte Änderung: 23.02.2022