Universitätsbibliothek Hagen


Ihre Suche: "distance learning"
Anzahl der gefundenen Treffer: 1329
Martin, PeteLiteracy and Basic Skills for Adults and "At-Risk" Youth via Interactive Distance Learning: A Model That Really Works!1996
Maslamoney, SivenEducational Radio for Adult1995
Mason, HeatherProfessional courses at a distance for teachers of children with special educational needs1993
Mason, RobinVideoconferencing and Distance Learning and Classrooms with a Difference. A Practical Guide to the Use of Conferencing Technologies1994
Mason, RobinUsing Electronic Networking for Assessment1995
Mason, WilliamCorporate Education:1991
Mathur, Rajeshwar NarainDeveloping Appropriate Distence Learning Systems1992
Maxwell, LeighIntegrating Open Learning and Distance Education1995
May, SusanCollaborative Learning1993
Mays, TonyPromat: Widening horizons1996
McAuley, AlexanderOut On the Virtual Frontier1995
McClatchey, EthelMaking `Telecourses`interactive1995
McConnel, DavidTutoring by CYCLOP1982
McCulloch, KennethParticipatory Evaluation in Distance Learning1997
McDevitt, Margaret A.Using Two-Way Television in Elementary and Secondary Schools1988
McDonald, JeanetteInterpersonal Relations and Group Development in Computer Conferencing1996
McGill, MichèleOpen Learning1995
McGreal, RoryCanadian Province Utilizes Distance Learning in New "Knowledge Economy"1995
McGuire, A.Australia`s Schools of the Air1973
McGuire, Sharon M.Learning the Ropes1988

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Letzte Änderung: 23.02.2022